Welcome Visitors

Welcome to this Federated Wiki site: **Platforming**. It contains thinking related to social.coop and the world of platforms, free code and the open web in general.

About us . .

Writer, culture hacker, designer-maker, anthropologist . . I'm from Venus, what is it you do round here? aka barefoot doc. Here's some story, some reflections, some back catalogue

What we do and share here . .

Contains thinking related to **social.coop** and the world of platforms, free code and the open web in general.

> This wiki is a stub. An earlier version is here website

--- **Platforming** is one of the foprop projects.

**foprop** = forces of production, relations of production. The project has five branches, oriented to the conduct of a transformational activist life, and making **a Living Economy** of **P2P-commons**.

To expand your search neighborhood - click the roster links >> below Mike Hales wikis mh.federated.wiki mhresources.federated.wiki pattern.resources.federated.wiki foprop foprop.federated.wiki 1-economy.federated.wiki conviv-cluster.federated.wiki infra.federated.wiki formaciontalk.federated.wiki mh-mutualsector.federated.wiki pivotal-mutual.federated.wiki 2-pattern.federated.wiki pattern.resources.federated.wiki lowimpactcommoning.federated.wiki 3-platforming.federated.wiki 4-history.federated.wiki 5-walking.federated.wiki How-to wiki fed.wiki.org fedwiki.org about.fed.wiki hello.ward.bay.wiki.org future.fedwiki.org


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